Cut to size Glass:
At O’Rourke Glass and Glazing we try our upmost to cater for everybody’s individual needs. Whether it be trade or commercial our fully trained and experienced team can offer and for fill your every glass cutting needs.
The glass department offer a “ Order whilst you wait service” for most of their products, so if you know what you want you can call in and collect or if you have any questions you can just call in and speak to one of the experienced staff or you can call on 0161 626 9682.
For larger orders where customers struggle with collection of the glass we can offer a free delivery service within reason.
The services we can supply you with are as followed :
- Double Glazed Units
- Mirrors
- Shelves / Table Tops
- Greenhouse Glass
- Picture Glass
- Toughened / Safety Glass
- Laminated Glass
- Georgian Wired
- Cut Glass
- Decorative Glass
Request a quote on any of the above by just calling the office.

Obscure Glass
The Pilkington Decorative Glass range can add a sense of style and distinction. The range of obscurity varies depending on the density of the glass ranging from Level 1 – 5 with 5 being the greatest obscuration.

Pilkington Texture Glass Warwick™ Level 1

Pilkington Texture Glass Pelerine™ Level 5

Pilkington Texture Glass Tafetta™ Level 3

Pilkington Texture Glass Minster™ Level 2

Pilkington Texture Glass Mayflower™ Level 4